Course description

Once upon a time in the magical realm of RxJS, there were Join Creation Operators that ruled the land. These operators, with names like combineLatest, forkJoin, and zip, had the power to merge and synchronize streams of data like true sorcerers. They could summon the latest values, create arrays of last values, and even pair values in a sequential dance. With these magnificent operators, developers could weave enchanting data flows and conquer the challenges of reactive programming. So gather your wands and prepare to be spellbound by the wondrous capabilities of RxJS Join Creation Operators!

What will i learn?


  • Ensure that you have Node.js installed on your system.
  • Choose either npm (comes with Node.js) or Yarn as your preferred package manager.
  • Set up a new project directory or navigate to an existing one using your terminal or command prompt.
  • Create your test files with .test.js or .spec.js extension, or place them inside a dedicated __tests__ directory.
  • Write your test cases using the Jest testing framework and its available functions, such as describe, it, and expect.
  • Utilize Jest's built-in assertions, like expect, to verify expected outcomes and compare values.

Kallai education

₹ 199

₹ 1999



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