Course description

Python Advanced Features: Python offers a wide range of advanced features to enhance programming capabilities. This includes object-oriented programming (OOP), allowing for the creation of classes, objects, and inheritance. Python supports exception handling for graceful error management. It also provides support for file I/O operations, allowing reading and writing files. Additionally, Python offers modules and packages, enabling code organization and reuse. Advanced concepts like generators, decorators, and context managers provide powerful tools for efficient and concise code development. These advanced features make Python a versatile and robust programming language for a variety of applications.

What will i learn?


  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Understanding the principles of OOP and being able to create classes, objects, and use inheritance to build complex software systems.
  • Exception Handling: Knowledge of handling exceptions using try-except blocks to gracefully handle errors and prevent program crashes.
  • File I/O Operations: Ability to read from and write to files, manipulate file contents, and work with different file formats.
  • Modules and Packages: Familiarity with creating and using modules and packages to organize and encapsulate code, allowing for better code reusability and maintenance.
  • Generators: Understanding how to create and use generator functions and expressions for memory-efficient iteration over large datasets.
  • Decorators: Knowledge of decorators to modify the behavior of functions or classes without changing their source code, enabling code reuse and adding functionality.
  • Context Managers: Understanding the concept of context managers to manage resources and ensure proper setup and cleanup using the with statement.

Kallai education

₹ 399

₹ 3999



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