Course description

Moment.js is a JavaScript library that simplifies working with dates and times in web applications. It provides a user-friendly API for tasks such as parsing, manipulating, formatting, and displaying dates and times. With Moment.js, developers can effortlessly handle various time-related operations, including calculations, comparisons, and conversions between different time zones. It also offers features for localization, allowing dates to be displayed in different languages and formats based on user preferences. Although Moment.js has been deprecated since September 2020, it remains a widely used library, providing a convenient solution for managing date and time functionality in JavaScript applications.

What will i learn?


  • JavaScript Support: Moment.js is a JavaScript library, so you need a web browser or a JavaScript runtime environment that supports JavaScript.
  • Dependency Management: Moment.js can be used with or without a package manager like npm (Node Package Manager) or Yarn. If you choose to use a package manager, you will need to have it installed on your system.
  • Dependency Management: If you are using a package manager, you will need to set up a package.json file to manage your project dependencies. Moment.js should be listed as a dependency in your package.json file.
  • Integration: Once you have the Moment.js library available in your project, you can start using it by including it in your JavaScript files or HTML pages using the appropriate script tags or import statements.

Kallai education

₹ 199

₹ 1999



Skill level


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